Monday, July 9, 2012


Funny story about this picture. Our professor John (the photography professor) was giving everyone side projects to work on. He picks out 3 words and we need to find pictures that describe the 3 words, (BAD, LUCK, GIRL). This was a hard project to do, you would witness the best moment but couldn't capture it, it was too late. He said that was part of the challenge. Outside one of the museums while I was snacking on gelato (judge me yes, I have eaten a ton of gelato on this trip but who knows when you'll be back to enjoy it huh) and we are people watching, one of my favorite things to do, and a dog literally ran chasing a ball and hit the back of this poor ladies legs completely knocking her over and her falling on her back and butt, it was the perfect photo op and we missed it. Yes I felt terrible for the lady don't think I just felt bad that we missed a picture.

Well luckily for Sarah she was able to capture my moment of BAD, LUCK, GIRL. As we were leaving Pere Lachaise cemetery Alexis and I ran into Sara and Carlos. We were chatting it up not paying attention and bam my BAD LUCK GIRL moment happened. Which its been the joke that we all keep having it happen. Well in Paris there are vents all over the city side walks, huge vents and sometimes they are blowing air out and sometimes not, stepping onto the vent not even paying attention to what I'm walking on the vent blows air like crazy and I am wearing my flowing skirt, running and trying to hold it down I know I gave the people at the stop light quite the show. Luckily they captured a reenactment of the moment. Yes I did it again for Sarah after everyone told me I had to take one for the team, but I also put my hands in the right places already prepared. The first time caught me off guard and I know the boys lined up the vest bas at the stop light got quite the show.

Thanks Sarah for sending me this hilarious photo.

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