Sunday, December 15, 2013

Family Photos

I think its important to get family photos at least once a year. Or I think you should at least try. My husband, like most men, hate taking photos. Even though he is so photogenic.

So when I informed him that we would be taking family photos this year his response was. What family? Yes dear, you and I are a family, even though we don't have any children, except our 2 kitties, we are still considered a family.  After we took them I informed him this will be occurring every year in the future if I remember to plan it and that 1 hour out of 365 days isn't that bad to sacrifice to make his wife happy.  These were the results and I was quite pleased with the little cooperation and not going far to take them.

He seriously make me laugh so hard all the time.  Even when I am so upset he can some how make me relax and laugh about it.